Please contact the RM office for the Weed & Pest Control Officers' contact information.

Gopher Poison

Rozol is available for sale at the RM office.

Clubroot on-farm testing Information


​Randy Walbaum

Rat Control

  • ​Goal is "to promote uniformity and consistency in rat control methods towards the eradication of rats in Saskatchewan" 
  • The RM provides rat and mouse poison free of charge to ratepayers. 
  • We have hired a Pest Control Officer to assist with the control of rats.

Pest control officerS:

Dustin Lang

Katlin Lang

Noxious Weeds

  • Please be aware of and immediately report any noxious weeds to the RM office.
  • Keeping these difficult and invasive weeds out of our RM is to everyone's benefit.
  • For more information on noxious weeds, including identification and approved herbicides, please click here.